Back In The Saddle

Oh man! What a… well, I was going to say “couple of weeks” but I think I’ve been away from the blogging scene for longer.  So… what an indeterminate time period!  A lot of stuff has happened, and at the same time (maybe not surprisingly) it hasn’t been that much different than before.  How vague and unhelpful this post is turning out to be so far.

I guess I can update my quasi- Lenten “vow”.  I cheated.  Yes, I stunk it up… don’t hate on me.  I know my smartphone was the thing that put the small chinks in the armor, the tiny cracks in the dam that let just a teeny bit of water escape leading to the crumbling.  It was so easy to check Facebook and Twitter with it right there in my pocket…. riiiight there.  With its little Android man, beaming up at me saying, “Not checking FB and Twitter.  Does not compute.  Need to post.  Need to check.  Human error.”  OK, I’m reaching.

We had some great things happening at Boones Mill Baptist on Palm Sunday and Easter.  The Palm Sunday morning services were led musically by the Ferrum College Vocal Ensemble.  Those ladies were jamming.  What a joy to host them and hear them use their talents and gifts.  That evening was the Easter musical, performed by the BMBC Choir and Drama Team.  I probably shouldn’t brag on it too much, since I played drums, but it went really well.  The children’s Resurrection Festival was a huge success as well.  Lots of fun!

The whirlwind continues, and I guess I’ve made my mind up about one life decision that’s worthy of putting down in writing (although a far cry from legally binding!)  I’ve decided not to take a summer class for my MATS degree.  It will mean pushing graduation to Spring of 2012, but it’s worth it to be there emotionally and mentally for my family and ministry.  I’ve had some times when I just felt like I was there but I wasn’t at the same time so, I’m taking the summer off from classes… in just two short weeks.  Who knows?  Maybe a little extra blogging/ writing time will come of it, too.

Until next time.

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